In layman’s language if you have to explain someone what SEO is then it can be said that there are N number of businesses out there and around 3.5 billion of searches executed on Google so if you want that your business should be in the first page of the search engine when someone is searching for information related to your business that can be done with the help of SEO.

Now there are many reasons why SEO is important for a business but the top 3 reasons are mentioned below and this kind of summarize all the reasons why SEO is important:
- SEO helps in generating website traffic, which even though may not seem as big of a thing, but it has been proven that a great amount of sales conversion credit goes to the website traffic. Even though other paid promotions also works, SEO proves beneficial in the long run, with your website being ranked in the top pages of search engine, customer are bound to visit it, and over the years with SEO being popular people prefer this way of marketing as well as its not interrupting or being forced upon them that they have to see your business ad, with SEO it’s like they are able to access your business easily when they searching for services related to your business, and with internet being the savior these days everybody searches online when they are in need of any service or product.

- SEO compared with other forms of marketing is cheap as well, you might not see any immediate results but in the long run its going to benefit your business, main reason for it is it gives you targeted audience the ones who are bound to buy your services/products, so whatever amount you are investing you are investing in the right place that is going to give you returns, and it’s a one time work if the website is optimised properly then you don’t have much maintenance work and you would get constant traffic to your website.
- With website being optimised properly and a constant ranking maintained in the top search results, the way people perceive about your business brands changes, so SEO helps in creating and maintaining business brand image and brand awareness. For example when you search about some product/services on google, you don’t go beyond first two pages and there is a perception set in customer minds that the results shown in the first two pages are the best and popular brands. This also helps in creating business credibility as well, and getting ahead of your competitors.

Hope this has helped you in understanding why SEO is important for a business, it can be concluded on this note that at the end of the day two things matter the most to any business profit and its customer, what better way could there be than SEO to get your customer easily access your website and know about your business, and customer awareness would lead to sales conversion which means profit, so there two things that matter the most is taken care by investing one thing only.
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