The most common mistake that is made by people is thinking of website and SEO as two separate elements and working upon these two elements individually rather than integrating the two in the initial phase itself. Ensure to keep in mind SEO related factors at the time of creating content and designing the website, this way it will be easy to work upon SEO once the website is live. Some key points are mentioned below that explains how website and SEO are interlinked:

- In website designing phase ease of navigation is one of the important thing that’s focused upon, now that’s something which is useful for SEO as well because for example while optimizing search engine like Google it prefers websites that are easy to navigate and not only on one particular type of device but all types of devices otherwise it might just consider the website as less performing and won’t even rank it well.

- While creating content for website it’s important to take both elements website and SEO into consideration. Content should be related to whatever the website is all about, detailed information of whatever you are offering is what the visitor expects to see on your website, but at the same time do keyword research prior so that it can be included in the content. Now it’s important that not too many keywords are to be involved in the website content.

- A presentable website is what attracts and keeps hold of a visitor, if a website is full of just words without any pictures or videos visitor won’t stay long on the website and won’t even reconsider of visiting it again. Images and videos help with SEO as well as these can be optimised by using alt tag and file name and this gives your website more exposure which means more traffic.
- And last but least while designing a website page links are of utmost importance, its necessary that every page is linked properly now this also helps with SEO as while optimizing it’s important that every page has link as that would help the search engine crawlers to identify the page otherwise if there are no proper links the pages might not show up, but this doesn’t means that just to get visibility more links are created without any relevant information because these things also get detected and eventually will affect your page ranking.

Hope this would have helped you in understanding the relation between website and SEO and why is it important to integrate the two from initial phase itself, it do happen that companies invest in digital marketing in the later phase especially in SEO when they realize that the website traffic is being impacted but that would be investing additional time and money which can be avoided by integrating the SEO part while the website is still being created.
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