Typography is basically the art of presenting the letters in a way that appeals the user’s eyes. Beautifully presenting the fonts is what typography is. It is used in various context but here we are focusing on website typography. A user visits your website to look out for information. Therefore the way the information or the words is presented has a huge role in the entire website design process. In fact best of the best web design companies believes that almost major part of the entire web design depends upon typography. And if we do not think it from technical perspective and just think about it in a general perspective it makes sense, because a website that has no words would be meaningless and a website with words presented in an unprofessional manner is a wastage of time and money. So following are the things that a website design company considers while working on website typography:

- Font style is one of the major things considered. And this helps with the beautiful presentation of content as well. But a rule which most web design companies follow is to keep same font style throughout the website in order to create a sense of consistency.
- Font size is the second most important thing to be considered. What kind of font size needs to be used at what place is important. For example if header section content is in small size it would seem highly inappropriate. Because header fonts are usually big in size and are in bold letters. Similarly in call to action buttons small size fonts are used so instead of it if call to action font size is large then that would look inappropriate.
- Font colour is also important. Don’t go overboard with colours, means using different colours for different lines would be highly unprofessional. Usually white and black colour texts are preferred for text, like for example for white background website black colour texts would be perfect.
- And last but not the least alignment is important. Depending upon the pages, and its content an alignment can be selected. Like for example alignments can be centre alignment, left alignment, and right alignment.
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