Forms vary in nature depending upon the usage it has been designed for in a website. The most common types of forms that a user comes across is registration forms or contact forms. But irrespective of the type of forms there are certain general rules that web design companies follow in order to obtain the best type of form that would fulfill its purpose successfully and at the same time is easy for the users as well.
Following are some of the Dos and Don’ts practiced by some of the best web design companies while designing forms for a website:
- Forms should be short and relevant. Having irrelevant input details would not only increase the form length but would also be inconvenient for the user as well.
- Never display the question inside the input details forms. Because while the user clicks the input detail box to type in their reply the question would disappear again causing inconvenience to the user. So it is always recommended to display the question above the input details box.

- Ensure to display the error if caused while filling out the form. This is the most common mistake made by most web design companies. If the user fills out a form and puts in some wrong information, or the information is not as per the required format then the form ends up not being submitted. At this point make sure that error is displayed properly, it would be better to display it below the respective input fields where the error occurred. This would make it easy for the user to rectify the error.
- Don’t add too many optional questions. If the information is not mandatory for the company in the first place then better avoid adding it all together. Optional questions also add up to the length of the forms.
- Once the form is submitted, display a post submission message for the users to understand that their form has been successfully submitted or what they need to do further. Don’t just leave the user hanging there and having doubts whether the form has been submitted or not.
- While adding captcha, don’t make it too complicated that it makes the users want to quit filling out the form all together.
So above mentioned are some of the dos and don’ts of designing forms. These are some of the basic things that matters to the users. And this is why most web design companies follow these rules because at the end of the day user experience is what matters the most.
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